Australian Pollies spent nearly $50M on entitlements in 6 months

Most Australian tax payers would be surprised to know that over $95million were spent on entitlements in 2014 by the 225+ federal MPs and senators and $47.6M spent in 1H 2015. Currently this data is provided in hard to interpret webpages and which discourages public scrutiny.

EntitlementWatch is an initiative to provide Australians greater transparency into parliamentarian entitlement expenses and to gather community feedback on expectations from the reform process. Data Analytics expert Raj Dalal is the convenor of EntitlementWatch.


EntitlementWatch uses data collected from Department of Finance and using our experience in data analytics and data mining, we have set up an interactive dashboard for all Australians to discover these hidden expenses.

Explore expenses by top spending politicians under: office expenses, domestic & overseas travel, charter and other such categories. (see for more information).

While technology and processes exists to create a more transparent and data rich solution, the key question remains – can politicians handle this kind of transparency?

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About the Convenor:

Raj Dalal is Principal, BigInsights. He is Author of upcoming book Innovate with Data: Winning & Growing using Big Data Analytics”. Raj has 20 years’ experience in the IT industry, and has worked for multinationals and start-ups. He lives in Sydney and is not affiliated with any political party or movement. He does not like to see public monies wasted for limited outcomes.