BigInsights is an research & advisory firm focused on Data, Artificial Intelligence, Analytics & IoT.
BigInsights is focused on helping companies with harness Data Driven Innovation:
- Best practices and ROI on using Data Analytics technologies for Customer and Operational Insights.
- Use cases across industries such as FSI, Telecoms, Government, Manufacturing and Social commerce
- Emerging trends in new Data Science & IoT technologies
- Business opportunity for technology creators
The possibilities for Data and AI have captivated enterprises and entrepreneurs. An entire ecosystem of technologies and techniques are maturing to help companies make sense of the explosion of structured and unstructured data being generated. Companies that can harness this data to provide deeper actionable insights for business will gain a competitive edge.
BigInsights offers a variety of services to help Enterprises & Technology companies capitalise on the Data, AI & Analytics opportunity.
- AP BigData Study 2015 : Asia Pacific End user research of Big Data marketplace
- AP BigData Study 2013 : Australian End user research of the Australian Big Data marketplace
- Go to Market Services (Whitepapers, Case Studies & Webinar)
- BigInsights Research Case Studies

Advisory & Consulting
- BigInsights Acceleration workshop
- Data, AI & Analytics Technology choices & selection (RFP/RFI services)
- IT Planning workshops
- BigInsights Academy Overview
- BigInsights Data Analytics, AI & IoT Mastery - 2 Day Immersion training
Send email to discuss your Data, AI & Analytics project or interests.